Aro Fair Volunteer Information
Want to Volunteer? We would love to have you!
Drop your details here and we will be right back with more info!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Aro Fair! The best little fair at the tail end of the Wellington Summer couldn't go ahead without our amazing and fun FAIR CREW!
Set Up Crew: Stall holders and event gear will be arriving early from 6.30am. People will need to be directed to their stalls and if they have hired trestle tables those kept an eye on, the stage will need to be moved and set up, some furniture will need to be moved and some signage will need to be put out. The waste bins will need to be set up along with the Wash for Waste station.
Green Room Crew: Food and drinks will be supplied and the role is to basically keep on top of the scraps, dishes and making sure there is food and drink. The green room is reserved for performers and volunteers.
Pack down Crew: packing up and packing down equipment to clear the site.
Waste Warrior Team:
Your task is to help fair goers put their waste in the correct bin. You will be allocated to a station and your tasks will be to: Help people identify the type of packaging they have and place it in the correct bin. The best approach here is friendly, helpful & well-informed.
Keep an eye on the bins for contamination (things that don’t belong), transfer this to the correct bin. - If a bin gets full before the back-end team arrive to empty it, replace the bag with the appropriately coloured liner (found at the bottom of each wheelie bin). Feel free to be as creative you want with how you do it. You can bring a friend dress up, sing or give a little waste rap. Let people know about ‘Wash for Waste’. Return clean dishes to stalls.
Drop your details here and we will be right back with more info!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Aro Fair! The best little fair at the tail end of the Wellington Summer couldn't go ahead without our amazing and fun FAIR CREW!
Set Up Crew: Stall holders and event gear will be arriving early from 6.30am. People will need to be directed to their stalls and if they have hired trestle tables those kept an eye on, the stage will need to be moved and set up, some furniture will need to be moved and some signage will need to be put out. The waste bins will need to be set up along with the Wash for Waste station.
Green Room Crew: Food and drinks will be supplied and the role is to basically keep on top of the scraps, dishes and making sure there is food and drink. The green room is reserved for performers and volunteers.
Pack down Crew: packing up and packing down equipment to clear the site.
Waste Warrior Team:
Your task is to help fair goers put their waste in the correct bin. You will be allocated to a station and your tasks will be to: Help people identify the type of packaging they have and place it in the correct bin. The best approach here is friendly, helpful & well-informed.
Keep an eye on the bins for contamination (things that don’t belong), transfer this to the correct bin. - If a bin gets full before the back-end team arrive to empty it, replace the bag with the appropriately coloured liner (found at the bottom of each wheelie bin). Feel free to be as creative you want with how you do it. You can bring a friend dress up, sing or give a little waste rap. Let people know about ‘Wash for Waste’. Return clean dishes to stalls.