Plastic bag free Aro Valley!
Will you accept the challenge? Aro Valley Community Council (AVCC) is encouraging local households, businesses and schools to accept the Plastic Free July Challenge with a special focus on a plastic bag free Aro Valley. Will you accept the challenge to go plastic bag free during July? "Think about it. Why would you make something that you're going to use for a few minutes out of a material that's basically going to last forever, and you're just going to throw it away. What's up with that?" Jeb Berrier, BagIt Movie The AVCC is hosting a range of activities including; a movie night, a make your own fabric bag workshop, a community clean up with pizza and beer and support for those who pledge to go plastic bag free! You can register for the challenge, and share your experiences, ideas and tips at and follow the Aro Valley Community Council’s journey on Facebook. If you would like to get involved in banner painting, sewing reusable bags, art, or flyer drops – get in touch! Plastic Free July started as a local initiative in Perth, Western Australia and has grown into a global initiative. Get in touch: Aro Valley Community Council 04 3848499 or [email protected] WEDNESDAY 27 JULY
7PM AT 48 ARO ST ELECTION OF OFFICES AND COMMITTEE Co-chairs (2), Treasurer (1), Secretary (1), Committee members (10) __________________________________________________________________________ NOMINATION FORMS AT THE AVCC OFFICE AND HERE or email [email protected] General meeting
WASTED Wednesday 8 June 7:30pm at 48 Aro St (Aro Hall) All people who live, work, own property or a business in the Aro Valley are warmly invited to attend and participate in this general meeting of the Aro Valley Community Council (AVCC). 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. WASTED - discussion on waste in the Aro Valley - Ways to reduce it - remove plastic bags and plastic water bottles? - Rubbish collection - dealing with untidy kiwis 4. New Incorporated Societies Law - AVCC comments 5. Minutes of previous general meeting 6. Update on Committee activities since last General Meeting 7. Topics for further general meetings - 8. Urgent General Business. ![]() In Aro Valley, we’re doing it our way. Dress up, look your best! Bring your trumpet. Bring the kids. We’re serious but not grim! Saturday 28 November 2015 From 12 noon at Aro Park, Aro St Leave 12.30pm from Aro Park to Civic Square Join us in a colourful community parade from Aro Park to the Civic Square, where we will join the Wellington People’s Climate event. Come and hear a discussion of the merits of
Bus Rapid Transit or Light Rail for Wellington Greater Wellington: Cr Paul Swain Wellington City Council: Cr Andy Foster FIT Wellington: John Rankin Trams-Action Wellington: Demetrius Christoforou Moderator: Dave Armstrong Date: Wednesday 2 December 2015 Time: 6 to 8pm Venue: Aro Valley Community Hall, 48 Aro Street, Wellington Koha:$15 ($5 students and unwaged) in support of our cause FIT Wellington is for Fair, Intelligent Transport Spending more on public transport, walking and cycling, and less on roads. is better for the city, the environment and the economy Wellington’s main bus route is overloaded and an obvious solution is light rail The AVCC held a general meeting on the 18 November 2015 on the topic of climate change.
Other meeting items:
Tea and bikkies Further info that is passed on to us in regards to climate change and the upcoming summit will be posted here for locals to soak up - so keep an eye out. A General Meeting of the Aro Valley Community Council
Aro to Paris Local & global responses to climate change
Wednesday 7.30pm 18 November 2015 Aro Valley Community Hall This is an official general meeting of the Aro Valley Community Council. Everyone in the community is welcome. Be empowered, be inspired, learn something. See you there! Agenda: Welcome, introduction Meeting topic: Aro to Paris Speakers:
Tea and bikkies |
Aro Valley Community Centre
48 Aro Street, Aro Valley Coordinator Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 2:30pm Email: [email protected] Phone: 04 384 8499 Facsimile: 04 384 8498 Archives